So I ended with our embarking upon the South Island. After spending 2 nights in Picton, at the nicest hostel we’ve seen, ironically called Tombstone Backpackers, we decided to make a push into Nelson and get our heads in the real estate/job seeking game. To our dismay our watches confirmed it was indeed Saturday, and because there is NOTHING (note: over exaggeration) open on Saturdays, we decided to overshoot Nelson and head to Abel Tasman National Park until Monday when life resumed in Nelson.
Abel Tasman is the smallest, but most beautiful national park in the country. It has white sand and aquamarine water. It had long, deep tides so you can take long walks towards the edge of the water where you can find crabs, hermit crabs, and star fish. Tasman also offered the best food we’ve had so far in New Zealand (and for me that’s not saying much, but this sandwich was gooood), at a small food cart called the “Fat Tui”. I highly recommend it for every meal consumed in the country ;). Saturday night we hosteled up. But Sunday we camped at a site called Old McDonald’s Farm, and watched the Rugby World Cup final, the All Blacks vs. France, on a big screen at a café off the beach. It was a wonderful environment, and the All Blacks won the cup! It’s funny because it was the most viewed tv program ever in NZ with a whopping 2.something viewers, so although it was exciting, it does not compare to the magnitude in which we celebrate Philadelphia’s victories.
Our plan was to leave Abel Tasman early Monday morning to find a house/job/peace of mind, but we discovered on the day earlier that Monday happens to be their Labour Day, and NOTHING is open. We dawdled around, and decided to stalk some houses we were looking at online. Because the house we really liked was a personal listing, we decided to interrupt their “labour day” and call about the place.
We couldn’t have asked for a sweeter deal. We were able to try out the house for $150NZD for the first night, and after falling in love with its views, convenience, and hot water, we were able to agree on renting it until Dec 20th (their deadline, not ours) for $450NZD per week + electric and internet. It comes to about $110 a week per person which is less than I’ve paid for most apartments in Pittsburgh, so I was very pleased with the dead. The view from my bed itself is worth way more.
There are lots of random thoughts running around this full noggin of mine. I’ll try to breeze over them.
- · Jeff bought a motorcycle, and although I had MANY uncertainties about it, I enjoy riding on the back and it feels very safe. At least for short rides into town. But he loves it and has patiently been waiting to get one since he received his license in June. It’s a pretty 250cc GN Suzuki.
- · I found a cheese I like! It’s called Tasty cheese (not the brand but the name), and it’s basically a sharp cheddar. Most other cheeses here taste like grass (I assume because the milk tastes like grass, which I assume is because the cows are all grass fed). This may seem small, but really pleases me.
- · It is the law to wear a helmet, not only on a motorcycle, but also on a pedal bike. We found this out the hard way.
- · I have trouble remembering random things I think are interesting… will update as I remember J
I will post the house and motorcycle pictures on Flickr asap, and I hope everyone at home is gearing up for Halloween, visiting Linvilla Orchards (if close by), carving intricate pumpkins, and drinking gallons of apple cider. I will really miss Halloween, as it is top 2 holidays and they barely acknowledge it here, except for some Simpsons Tree House of Horror episodes. I wanna see some awesome Halloween costumes up on facebook!
Wish us luck on employment! Cheers!
best view and what a cool bike!