Friday, January 27, 2012


So many things have happened in the past week, and i might eventually get around to posting them, but in the meantime I thought I'd share a night that Jeff and I found quite amusing...

So if you have been a lifetime ourlivesaskiwis reader you will remember Markus and Jonas, who are the Finnish guys we originally met playing ultimate frisbee in Nelson.  We also visited Markus in Greymouth recently.  Well they are here in Queenstown for a couple days as part of their South Island road trip, with another friend.  I insisted on feeding them, a value only my mother could have instilled in me.  I made a spaghetti bolognese with garlic bread, and Jeff made some veggies, and we bought some chocolate eclair ice cream (YUMMM).  They brought some wines from the vineyards they visited in Nelson (double YUMMM).  Dinner was great, but we needed to find something to do inside for the night because there were torrential downpours outside.  I rummaged through the upstairs closet only to find the most appropriate game for 3 Finnish people and 2 Americans to play together ... PICTIONARY!!

They are very competitive, and we tweaked the game a little bit so it was every man for himself, but damn! They all were ahead of Jeff and I by the end and Jonas won!  I was the most pathetic example of Americans playing a board game ever.  We were slaughtered by their accurate drawings and extensive knowledge of English nouns and verbs.  Maybe this experience was only funny to the 5 of us, but I never would have expected getting our asses kicked by them!  Although they do start learning English at a young age.  This is just a warning to everyone who likes to put big money on games of pictionary... People from Finland are really really good, OR Jeff and I are just really bad.

I PROMISE to get some pictures of Queenstown up soon!  It is too pretty not to appropriately represent through photos.

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